Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Road Trip Wednesday!

*le gasp* A blog post, not on Friday?  :O  How scandalous!

Actually, I've decided to start posting on Wednesdays as well, because I figure once a week probably just isn't quite good enough.  ^-^  I was recently perusing the archives on Veronica Roth's (now retired) blog*, and saw that when she first began writing it she took prompts and topics from this awesome blog called YA Highway!  Every Wednesday they post a new prompt or topic or quote and ask the readers to tweet, blog, and otherwise spread their thoughts across the internet. 

This week?  It was a simple question. 

What are you reading right now?

And that's a simple answer.  The Hunger Games.  The first one.  ^-^  It's my favorite.   A lot of people think it's a rip-off of a somewhat lesser known Japanese novel called Battle Royale.  The latter is darker, more gory and geared for an older audience--despite the ages of the main characters--but The Hunger Games is a lighter read and more geared, I think, for a wider range of readers.  I know when I was in high school I would've had a harder time with BR if I'd known it existed at that point.

Anyway, a lot of The Hunger Games makes sense, especially the parts where the two main characters had to put on a fake romance in order to draw more people in so that they could survive.  It would certainly happen if this scenario were to play out in real life.  A lot of 'reality' tv shows definitely have staged scenarios to draw in the audience (and in shows like Big Brother, it seems that if the audience loves you or you cause the right amount of drama, you have a better chance of staying 'alive' in the game longer *coughZachcough*)

She's also a strong, female character, and not like the helpless damsels in distress of fairy tales or old movies.  And flawed.  She messes up a lot, she doesn't see a lot of the truth until it's too late, but she also tries to do the right thing and stand up for herself, even in the face of great danger.  When she's put in a tough situation, she does her best even though she just wants to go home and live without any interference from the government (she didn't start out intending to begin a rebellion, after all).

Anyway, I've got to study (just a little more) before I go off to take the last test for my college math class, then the Final.  *shudders*  So wish me good luck!  And I wish you good luck in your endeavors, whether it be writing the next Bestseller or learning how to herd cats.  ^-^

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