Friday, August 29, 2014


So I got my new desk!  Yeah, I know I was talking about it excitedly for a little bit (at least, I think so) but then I just didn't mention it for a while.  That was partly because I was finishing up the school term, partly because it's still not quite right--the chair needs to be shorter, and partly because I just got distracted by life, the universe, and other things.

I got it for ten dollars at the local DI (Deseret Industries thrift store.  It's the LDS version of Salvation Army :) ) and it's a drafting table.  I think part of the reason it was left there was because it's a little difficult to adjust the tabletop for drawing, but I wanted it mainly as a regular desk anyway so it's good enough for me.  :)  I've got lots of stuff piled on it and I need to clean up some of the junk that's piled up on the floor again--not as bad as it was, but I don't want it to get out of control again.

There's a silk cat I got from San Francisco China Town, Divergent (the book), my glasses, alarm clock, and pretty much everything except my computer because I'm typing on my bed.  I'm excited through, because I think I'll only need a little bit more time before I can restart on my superhero novel.  I'm also working on the synopsis for my nanowrimo project, and I've got several things planned for it already that's making me very excited.  I've already told you a little bit about it, and I'll definitely post more and more things as November gets closer.  Like a cover for it.  And the title.  Which I have yet to decide for sure.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

So right now life is good.  College is going great, and I just got the books I need to catch up on the reading (mostly about Formalist and New Criticism)

I hope life is going well for you guys, too!  If you already have an idea for Nano this fall, tell me!  Tell me also if you haven't!  And most of all, good luck on your endeavors.  :)

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