Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Road Trip Wednesday!

Ah!  I totally forgot it was Wednesday!  Eheh!  *looks at clock*  Sorry for it being so late! 

So, um.  Yeah!

This week's topic: What's the best writing advice you've ever received?

I'd have to say that the best writing advice I've ever gotten was don't edit during the first draft.  If I don't do that, I've never gotten past the first chapter of a story.  I keep editing it and revising it until I start getting sick of it or feeling stuck.  I fully believe that's what's happened with Nobody's Hero. 

Sure, it's one thing when you suddenly realize that you sent your character off to the wrong part of the country, but when it comes to the sentences the paragraphs, if you accidentally typed in the wrong color of your hero's jacket... leave that alone until the later drafts.  That's what line editing is once you've got the meat of the story down for. 

So I'm going to go off and finish the reading for my Creative Writing class (it's a beginner one, since the switch to an English major was a recent decision).  Then... more plotting for Nanowrimo.  B)

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