Friday, July 18, 2014


Hi!  The name is Lacee Martin and I'm an artist and writer!  A little bit about myself?  I live in Utah and I'm in mah early twenties.  I love movies so much I'm hardly ever surprised by the movie posters on the walls in theaters, I'll read most genres from YA Dystopian to High Fantasy to Crime/Mystery novels, and I'll write stories in most of those genres.  Right now I'm in the process of writing a superhero novel because that's in the top three of my favorite types of films, and I'm currently an English Major with an emphasis in creative writing.  :3  One of my dreams (besides getting published and living in New York) is to be an intern at the Nanowrimo office down in Berkeley, CA.

My blog here is going to have an emphasis on writing as well as tidbits on my own life (such as right now I'm recovering from a sunburn!  Though it was incredibly getting it inner tubing on the lake; I never knew falling off those things could be so entertaining!)  I'll post reviews of my favorite books--some old and some new--and offer storywriting tips to those who ask (and those who don't ask as well, I suppose, :P)

So come back next week, and I'll have a new epic post to share with y'all!  I'll be updating every Friday.

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