Sunday, October 12, 2014

NaNoWriMo Site is Back!

This morning at around 1 am PST the NaNoWriMo site reset! It's got all sorts of neat widgets now and the new images to spread around the internet and now you can upload the profile for this year's novel, and I'm pretty darn excited! :D I've been waiting almost two weeks for this now, dangit. (Well technically I've been waiting all year, but I think it's pretty well agreed I'm obsessed with NaNoWriMo *cough*

So I've posted my novel and uploaded the description (which has changed a little bit and will probably change again before the 30C30D contest is up and running). And I've also requested some art that should hopefully come within the next day! (they promised they would, anywho)

And speaking of art, I've done some! Haven't posted much art lately so you've probably forgotten I can do that stuff, but here! It's of my MC, Alivia!

What? Oh shoot. That's Quorra, my little terror of a fuzzbucket. She has a slight obsession with standing/sitting/lying on paper. We're not entirely sure why. Waited one second for her to move (at which point she jumped to the chair in front of the desk...)

...and that's Alivia. Not quite finished, still need to pencil in the rest of the background and actually color the darn thing, but I'm pretty pleased so far. Have to decide whether or not she needs a shirt (she's not actually exposing anything...)

But yeah! I'll post an actual picture once it's finished, and once I've decided it's safe to scan a watercolor/ink painting! :3 See you soon, when I have more news to share! :D

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